Sunday, September 2, 2012

Technology and Human Rights

Lecture and PP  Presentation for Human Rights Students... 

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What is Technology?

In social communication and media studies…
Technology is considered as the Signified or Concept of any activity (or Act) that resides with its referents or real life objects; i.e. machines, software, or anything made or invented.

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u Technology is also a phenomenon that human beings experience in their lives. So user groups realize technology.

u Technology also considered as unit means what human beings execute. Oral techniques; literate techniques etc.

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Technology & Technological:

Technology therefore appears

u Concept;
u Phenomenon;
u Experience;

Technological however indicates

u Referent or Outcome;
u Individual Judgement;
u Convention; like ‘Computerized’;
u Finally, human ‘arbitrary’ rights to define any category;

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What is Technology?...contd.

The modular presentation looks like

Signifier  =                    Signified + Referents
(Intellectual Act)        (Technology) + (Objects)

So every Act can give birth of a specific concept of a new technology.

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University of Toronto proposes

Canadian Communication School derives Social Transformation in view of the development of technology.

Theorists like Tim O’Sullivan, Harold Innis and Marshall McLuhan et. al. formulated social transformation in three distinctive social features;

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University of Toronto proposes contd.

u Oral Society: Oral Communication Technology drives the society.

u Literate Society: Literate Technology drives the society.

u Electronic Society: Electronic communication technology drives the society.

u Global Village: Convergence of all communication & media Technologies.

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Technology as Signifier:

u Problem now pops up when Technology is considered as a driving force or an ‘Act’ itself;

uIf technology now is the signifier, what would then be the signified and referent?

uIt then affects human ‘arbitrary’ rights.

uTechnology then drives your knowledge, satisfaction, need, and all other cognitive outcomes; like, computer softwares today drive your needs, knowledge and social positioning;

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When Technology itself is the Signifier…

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The Signified is just a Package that soaks up all other concepts…

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The truth…abuse…

Source: Academics for Justice

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The newer Ghettos…

Source: Academics for Justice

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The new fireworks…

Source: Academics for Justice

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New questions…

Source: Academics for Justice

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Leaving out…Bare Frames

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So Human Rights…

In a post ‘Mass-ification’ era of packaged mediation; 
Does ‘Human Rights’ exist at all as signified for mass?

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights…nevertheless

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

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Technological Determinism

u So Technology provides space to know new things;

u Technology also rules the space;

u Digitalization of TV gives you freedom of choice; but within what is provided;

u Technological space is therefore not a natural space;

uTechnological space or media space squeezes public space to individuated space;

u But this is only for consumption not to exert human rights

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Technology and message

Noted French Poststructuralist Jean Baudrillard proposed:

Øglobal explosion of technology is being mirrored into implosion of understanding; a typical consumerist mode of introspection;

ØImplosion mirrors explosion of information; promotes consumption of information;

ØConsuming information creates a greater illusion of technological explosion;

ØThe more we consume information the less we consume meaning;

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Human Rights Elements

u All underlined traditional Signifiers are largely owned by technocapitalist media houses; except some remote ethnic identities

u All red Signifieds are now defined as media products; it is highly evident in Social Networking Sites.

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Human Rights Signifiers…

u If now ‘Human Rights’ matters at all, does it exist as ‘Right’ or a note of all round ‘Consumption’?

u All newer spaces like social networking sites, shopping malls, amusements parks, water resorts, even publications belong to the same political economy of signification that only promotes outright consumption.

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Human Rights Signifiers…

u It is thus very hard to rally with the belief that a specific post in a social networking site can organize a revolution; toward the end of a thirty year tyranny; If so…

u Consumption of mediated contents then can lead to a revolution any moment!! Leftists and Radicals should learn something out of it.

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New Declaration of Human Rights

u Consumption rules the social order that includes Individual Human Rights also.

u Philosophy of the hour:

I shop therefore I am;

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Final ‘Human Rights’ Signifier…

Thank You